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Opi lisää – tule mukaan Nutrolin®-jengiin!

Tilaa uutiskirje


Ikääntyvän harrastuskoiran fysiikasta ja kunnosta huolehtiminen

Miten tukea ikääntyvää harrastuskoiraa oikeilla omegoilla?

Ilman teitä ei olisi meitä

Välillä huomasin, että jos treenasimme Julièn kanssa paljon, sen maha meni sekaisin. Kuin tilauksesta Nutrolin® lanseerasi GUT & FLORAN!

Kissan akneen apua Nutrolin® Cat Seniorista

Kissan ärhäkkään akneen auttoi Nutrolin®, jota eläinlääkäri osasi suositella.


Happy First of May! Photoshoot with animals is always a spectacle, but with five dogs, it is a circus 🎪🐾#nutrolinlife #nutrolin #vappu #officedogs #foxredlabrador #labbis #bordercolliepuppy #bordercolliepentu #bordercollievalp #bordercollieworld
Spring in Finland!🇫🇮❄️ We got heaps of snow last night and more to come here in southern Finland. Office dog VeeJii made most of the remote work day and went to have fun during lunch break. How does spring look like where you live?#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #WinterWonderland #FinlandFun #officedog #labrador #labbis #foxredlab
Nestori loves his hay ball 😍 He also has a play ball and a few different-sized hay balls, some of which are hanging. What horse enrichment toys does your horse have?#Nutrolinlife #Nutrolin #Nutrolinhorses #Equestrianlife #Häst #hästliv #Horsetoy #hayball #heinäpallo
Nutrolin® has formulated fatty acid supplements, especially for cats 🐈‍ ⁣
🟢 Nourishes and protects your cat’s skin and improves coat quality⁣
🟢 Ensures that your cat gets all the essential fatty acids it needs for healthy life⁣
Mix a little into their food and gradually increase the quantity to the full dose if your cat is not used to eating fatty acid products. ⁣
You can make mealtime a delightful experience for your beloved cat with patience and creativity 🐾⁣
PS. The fish lick mat, which is suitable for small dogs, too, is available on nutrolin.fi & nutrolin.se webshops! 🐟 ⁣
#nutrolinlife #nutrolincats #fattyacids #kitten #kissanpentu #cat

Nutrolin® Suomi